Courses at Arts Colleges in Bangalore

Where half of the students see themselves getting admission in top engineering universities, working in a national bank, or wearing white or black coat after completing their medical or law degree course, the other half choose their passion and make it their profession. Naïve painters, writers, poets, photographers, or actors shun the idea of joining conventional professional courses and instead join the Arts Colleges in Bangalore to give wings to their dreams. The arts colleges hone the skills of their students and certify their skills to make them capable of earning bread without having to give up what they truly love and enjoy, be it drawing, writing short stories, cooking, carving sculptures, or decorating homes. Art: What does it include? Art includes practices pertaining to drawing and painting, design, sculpture, weaving, pottery, fabrics, photography, films, video, animation, computer art, writing novels and stories, writing poetry, open theatre, music, opera, d...